Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Going... Going...

The day before we travel always feels *slightly* like I'm losing my mind.

Next time, I take this pre-travel day OFF instead of mentioning to clients that I would be partially available. Everything else was pretty genius, though. We had our house cleaned yesterday and Katie's here to play with Briony today while I hammer through some epic laundry piles and pack. Oh, and go to a couples massage with my husband this afternoon (our life is ROUGH, I told you). Katie just helped me clean the fridge and pre-emptively toss everything that will be icky in three weeks. Just one more laundry transfer to go before I can throw myself full force into packing for two and a half (the half being Geoff, who packs his own stuff but packs like a boy).

I'm doing okay... Definitely flared up today, but nothing too crazy. I know that taking a time out for myself with Emily this past weekend was a very good decision. Same with getting Josy and Katie to help around here this week. And Geoff's been off since Friday night and helping like crazy. I could write a book on travelling with chronic illness (and, as a friend pointed out to me recently, maybe I should).

I know it will all be worth it when we're sitting on a plane tomorrow, taxiing in the general direction of NOT WINNIPEG. I'm getting super excited to see all our west coast peeps. I know it's only been a few months, but it always feels like forever.

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At May 26, 2010 9:42 PM, Anonymous Momma said...

I like the label "going coastal". That's funny.
I hope your packing and getting ready woes are worth all the effort when you get out there. And the weather doesn't make or break a vacation when you are spending quality time with family. Say a big hi to Marilyn and the rest of the family...and of course, Aaron and Cait. Okay, I'm going to check ticket prices now...


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