Thursday, March 26, 2009

Too Much Information

I can't sleep, so you're all getting quiz answers. If I have to suffer and not sleep, then you can certainly handle this blog post ;)

1. First thing you wash in the shower? my face
2. What color is your favorite hoodie? pink
3. Would you kiss any of your Facebook friends? yes
4. Do you plan outfits? i used to...
5. How are you feeling RIGHT now? tired but unable to sleep, so kind of frustrated
6. Whats the closest thing to you that's red? part of the box from briony's tinkerbell valentines that's still sitting on the desk, waiting to be moved into the recycling bin...
7. Do you have a library card? i used to, not sure if it's still valid
8. Tell me about the last dream you remember having? uh oh... okay. for some inexplicable reason, i was contemplating an affair with noah wyle (who was a med student, not an actor) - in my dream, i kind of wanted to but all the logistics were just kind of overwhelming and i think i was just too lazy to actually go through with it. kind of hilarious, i think. and i'm still wondering why it was noah wyle and not george clooney... bizarre.
9. Did you meet anybody new today? no
10. What are you craving right now? um... dark chocolate
11. Do you floss? not nearly as often as you're supposed to
12. What comes to mind when I say cabbage? my parents' neighbour joe's amazing cabbage rolls at christmas time
13. When was the last time you talked on the phone? this morning
14. Are you emotional? today, not as much as usual (don't get your hopes up - i'm bound to be crazy and hormonal again by the morning)
15. Would you dance to the taco song? um, what? probably not - i'm not very fun
16. Have you ever counted to 1,000? not that i can recall, but i'm guessing not
17. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? whatever combination will produce the least amount of mess
18. Do you like your hair? no, it's the thorn in my flesh. i've always hated it, and now it's falling out... i'm cutting it tomorrow, and hope i won't really regret that after the fact
19. Do you like yourself? mostly
20. Have you ever met a celebrity? didn't i just tell the noah wyle story? hehe
21. Do you like cottage cheese? yes
22. What are you listening to right now? peace and quiet
23. How many countries have you visited? no clue... um... eight??
24. Are your parents strict? i'm going to say yes, but not in a bad way
25. Would you go sky diving? it would scare me to death, but yes
26. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush? definitely - just to ask some questions
27. Would you throw potatoes at him? no, but i would want to
28. Is there anything sparkly in the room you’re in? my ring (awww)
29. Have you ever been in a castle? yes
30. Do you rent movies often? no
31. Who annoys you most? i'm not working with him anymore, so it doesn't matter :)
32. Have you made a prank phone call? yes, and it's pretty legendary... i may or may not have convinced a boy from our high school that i was a fake girl from another high school who had seen him playing basketball and fell in love on the spot... and he may or may not have taken the bait hook line and sinker and told tons of people about it at school the next day... and he may or may not know to this day that it was a prank. sorry :)
33. Do you own a gun? no (scary)
34. Can you count backwards from 74? i sure as heck hope so
35. Who are you going to be with tonight? geoff and briony
36. Brown or white eggs? brown
37. Do you own something from Hot Topic? nope
38. Ever been on a train? yes
39. Ever been in love? yes
40. Do you have a cell-phone? yes
41. Are you too forgiving? probably
42. Do you use chap stick? yes
43. What is your best friend doing tomorrow? i don't really subscribe to the whole 'best friend' thing... i have lots of 'best girls' - and they'll be up to no good tomorrow, as usual :)
44. Can you use chop sticks? poorly, much to geoff's amusement
45. Ever have cream puffs? yes, with much guilt involved
46. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect? yes
47. What was the last question you asked? 'do you think i should cut my hair?' (poor geoff, who had absolutely no response)
48. What was the last CD you bought? the newest kanye west, part of geoff's christmas gift
49. Boys or girls? um, that's pretty vague
50. What is your secret food weakness? eating it
51. Is your hair curly? nope, it's that nasty flippy wavy in-between hair
52. Last time you cried? no clue, but probably very recently
53. Ever walked into a wall? allllll the time
54. Do looks matter? yes, but they aren't everything
55. Have you ever bought anything from Pac Sun? guess not
56. Have you ever slapped someone? i don't think so, actually
57. Favorite time of the year? autumn
58. Favorite color? changes constantly - right now, green and blue
59. Are you sarcastic? always
60. Do you have any tattoos? yes
61. The last person you held hands with? noah wyle
62. Do you sleep with the TV on? no, though it happened frequently when i was single
63. Where was your default picture taken at? i refuse to answer this question based on its ridiculous grammar (or lack thereof)
64. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people? probably
65. Do you like your life right now? definitely
66. How often do you talk on the phone? only as much as i need to - i definitely prefer email (weird, i know, because i *heart* talking)
67. What is your favorite animal? hot dog
68. What was the most recent thing you bought? groceries
69. Do you have good vision? when i'm wearing glasses or contacts :)
70. Can you hula hoop? i could when i was younger - haven't tried recently
71. Could you ever forgive a cheater? i have in dating relationships, but i think it would be much more difficult now that i'm married... i'm honestly not sure
72. Do you have a job? wife to geoff, mommy to briony, part-time student, and still technically communications director at cocoon
73. Can you handle the truth? even when it's tough, i still prefer it
74. What are you wearing? wouldn't you like to know
75. Have you ever crawled through a window? nope, not that kind of girl

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At March 26, 2009 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you were still not sleepy after that list?! Interesting info.


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