Monday, March 24, 2008

Oh Baby

The Blog Entry I Would Have Posted on March 11

I'm writing this on Tuesday, March 11, watching the Top 12 perform on American Idol, sitting with my laptop on the couch while Geoff works a night shift. The sun has almost completely set outside, over the winter that I swear is more beautiful in River Heights than anywhere else in the world. And I'm honestly kind of enjoying the peace and quiet - cherishing it - because my entire world will be flipped upside-down before the snow falls again.

Yes, I'm implying what you - rather incredulously - may be suspecting. Geoff and I are expecting our first baby somewhere around November 3.

Surprised? Us too :)

Don't get me wrong. We've always talked about starting a family, and we were definitely looking forward to one day becoming parents. This wasn't *quite* the day we were expecting that to happen - but we are so unbelievably, incredibly, unhesitatingly excited.

When my period was late last month, I wondered and worried a little, as any responsible woman should. But I'd been under so much stress because of work, and I'd just started my crazy new eating plan... Besides, birth control is supposed to take care of pesky little details like - ahem - PREGNANCY. Anyway. I finally did a home test two days ago, and then confirmed with my GP yesterday at lunchtime. And the rest, as they say, is history.

It's kind of a relief to know, actually. I'd been getting pretty suspicious, and suddenly so many things make sense - the exhaustion, the tears, the icky 'I'm going to get my period any second' cramps and bloating, the constant feeling of being right on the verge of throwing up at any given second, yada yada yada. Yep. Pregnant.

So I'm seriously freaking out a little bit here, because the truth is that I have absolutely no idea how to be pregnant. Being Lindsay, I made a prompt visit to Chapters to grab a couple of books, in hopes that they'll answer at least a couple of the questions that I'm dying to ask my mom - and my mommy friends - in this weird in-between time when it's still a secret. This morning, I just about had a heart attack more than halfway through my morning tea when I realized that (a) I probably shouldn't be having caffeine, and (b) I had absolutely no clue if the honey I used was okay for a mommy-to-be. I couldn't Google it, for fear of being discovered at work - a situation which just might lead to all those cool, child-hating advertising folks burning me at the stake (or whatever they do these days when you commit treason). And so I sat at my desk feeling like a total failure as a mother, and wondering what else I'm screwing up on. Which, of course, made me want to cry. And pee. Ah, these are the days of my life.

Geoff and I haven't really decided when to tell people. For now, it feels right to just keep it between us. But I know already that we'll be telling people very soon. I fully understand why some people wait until month three or four, but we're both bursting with this amazing news - and I know that we're both anxious to share that joy with our family and friends.

And there you have it. Our big crazy secret. Or rather, our tiny little secret - apparently, Baby is less than an inch long and looks super-freaky (sorry, Baby, but it's true). But its heart is beating already. How cool is that?! I'm getting really excited to hear the heartbeat and see Baby in an ultrasound and watch my tummy start to grow - all those things that will make this feel so undeniably real.

So I have no idea when this post will actually make it onto my blog. Whenever it does, I'm excited to share this news with all of you - and to invite you to join me on this next journey in the ridiculous series of surprises and joy that is my life.

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At March 24, 2008 8:29 PM, Blogger Charlene said...

OH MY GOSH! That's awesome! I'm so excited for you! I had the same feelings when I fist got pregnant. how do you do it? are you supposed to conduct yourself completely different? you are going to be an amazing mommy! any questions...feel free!
YAY! such good news!

At March 24, 2008 8:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As soon as I read this first blog I looked to see if you had started your 'countdown'. There it is and in pictorial form:) I always loved to know just how big and what the growing babe was up to. Of course, congratulations and what can we mothers tell you when you already have 2 books to study?!

At March 24, 2008 11:34 PM, Blogger Domestic Bloggess said...

CONGRATULATIONS! So excited for you both :) Remember, the rules in those books are generally just guidelines. Follow your heart and you will do wonderfully!

At March 25, 2008 12:13 AM, Blogger Jolene said...

Yahooo! Congratulations! I am so excited for you. You should have been at the Kroeker Gathering on Friday...all the talk was about babies (at least in my circles). I totally get the not knowing how to do pregnancy thing. I know you have all the books but if there is anything you need real life human answers for just drop me a me I have just been there and it is still pretty clear...although some parts near the end get clouded by the beautiful bundle arriving.

At March 25, 2008 12:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy sigh! My heart is so full for you right now. Words don't even explain. Love you.

At March 25, 2008 8:44 AM, Blogger ka said...

Lindsay's having a BABY!! Junior is very excited to meet his new playmate.

And don't worry. I still eat sushi. I mean - what did people do before books? Those are the genetics that got us here... :)

At March 25, 2008 12:22 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

YIPPEE for Geoff and Lindsay!! You will make an awesome mama!

At March 25, 2008 2:12 PM, Blogger Lindsay said...

Whew. Let's see if I can make a dent in these :)

Char - Thanks so much! I'm so happy that other people were equally concerned... And thanks for the vote of confidence!

Marilyn - I think I was obligated to add a countdown. It's like a blogging law or something. They'd kick me off the internet if I didn't.

Nicole - Thanks! We're excited for us too :)

Jo - I might take you up on that. Though I still can't comprehend how a baby makes you forget the fact that you spent months and months destroying your body and then hours and hours pushing it out?

Erin - I love you too, and I'm so excited that you can be a part of this :)

KA - My mat leave buddy! Hooray! I still can't believe this happened, and to BOTH of us. It makes me giggle.

Brandy - You seem awfully sure of that, and I appreciate it :)


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