Thursday, September 28, 2006

Life is Beautiful

Remember me complaining about how there are so few gentlemen left in the world? I take it back. I take it all back. Turns out, there is one too many.

I ran into Winnipeg Square at lunchtime today to run a few errands and had a very odd encounter on my way back to the office. I was approaching the first set of doors, and I heard someone yelling behind me: "Stop! Wait up, honey!" I ignored the voice, until this short man in a suit hustled to catch up with me, touched my arm, and said, "That 'honey' was directed to you, my dear. I wanted you to wait so I could open the door for you."

Which he proceeded to do. Through two sets of doors, an elevator, and another two sets of doors. Thinking I was finally free of this professional-looking madman, I smiled and wished him and nice day before turning to walk down the sidewalk. But he was still there. And he informed me that he'd be walking on my left side, to protect me from traffic, like all men should do for all women. I had just finished explaining that I'd been taking care of myself for decades - and thus, I'd be fine without his help - when it happened. One of those perfect, Pythonesque moments... A car came flying out of a back lane - ON MY RIGHT - and nearly hit me.

BEAUTIFUL. You just can't plan comedy that good. I haven't laughed that hard since last week's episode of The Office.

Oh, except maybe when Jon Stewart asked the President of Pakistan where Osama is.



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