Monday, April 03, 2006

So you had a bad day...

This weekend, I did a very brave thing. I finally signed myself up for The Arthritis Society's Fibromyalgia message board. I decided it was time to get over myself and my pride, and to join this group of people who (as much as I hate to admit it) really 'get' me and what I live with.

New users are encouraged to post a bio, tell their story. And so I did.

I woke up this morning and saw there had been quite a few responses to my post. I started reading through them and most were tremendously encouraging, welcoming me to the site and letting me know how much they could relate to one aspect of my story or another. But one woman... Oh my god.

Here's an excerpt, because it was so mean, I can't even do it justice:

You will have to pardon me but I find your story more of a "Sell" than anything real! I am not sure where you are coming from but you do not "tell" a history that the rest of us walk! I am sorry to say I do not believe a word you are telling! I have a medical background and I have a "published" background for writing stories and I hope I am not being disrespectful when I say your story is definitely "fiction" for me. I don't believe your history at all!


PS - If your story is real I most humbly beg your pardon and will gratefully respect everything you write in the future!

Um, HELLO. First, that was absolutely the meanest thing anyone could ever say to me. Second, that PS does not cancel out anything - don't pretend to be a good person. Third, and most importantly, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU???

She later posted a sincere apology (after other users jumped to my defense and Googled me to prove I had actually done Joints in Motion). She blamed in on pain and lack of sleep due to fibromyalgia. I wanted to post a reply: "You are so evil, Lucifer himself would turn down the opportunity to be friends with you. Please forgive my blunt and brutal honesty... I have fibromyalgia too."

But I'm Lindsay, so I didn't. I was mature and kind and respectful, and I accepted her apology.

I still think she's an evil bitch.



At May 16, 2006 9:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you had a bad day - but you should watch your language. There are better, more appropriate ways to communicate your anger and frustration at the way this woman treated your "story". Your mom could be reading this!


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