Saturday, May 29, 2010

The One With Aaron + Cait (and The Big Flare too)

I am currently working through all kinds of feelings of frustration and disappointment over the fact that I'm fighting through a pretty big flare right now. Fortunately, Geoff and Marilyn are both being fabulous about helping out with Briony and keeping her busy enough that I don't think she knows that I'm sick at all. I've been able to go back to bed the last two mornings, and that has been amazing. YAY for support people and teamwork. I just wish I could be busier and feel more like myself right now.

My slower pace didn't keep us from having a great day with Aaron + Caitlin yesterday. Aaron surprised us by letting us know he had Friday off work this week, and they came out to Abbotsford for the day to spend time with us. We went out for lunch and then played at and walked around Mill Lake, then they came back 'home' for tea while Briony napped. It was so much fun to see them - and so much fun to watch how Briony warmed up to them again so quickly, especially Auntie Cait. She *loves* Auntie Cait. I was sad to say goodbye at dinner time, but I also knew that I needed to guard my energy. We'll see them again.

After Briony was in bed, I spent the rest of the evening curled up in bed with a book. Not the worst thing in the world, but I had hoped it might 'cure' my flare. It didn't really work out like that, but it was a good book :)

I'm marginally better today than I was yesterday, and I would say the same thing about the previous day. My progress is just SLOW. Today, I'm exhausted and in pain, but it's not that pain and exhaustion that has me constantly fighting off tears like it was at times during the last two days. I'm hoping to get some client work done today - and then some homework tomorrow - and hopefully save a little bit of energy for fun.

Oh, and Briony's doing okay with the time change. She's actually staying up until her normal bedtime but still getting up earlier and having two naps again instead of her usual one. And she's HAPPY and going down for naps and bedtimes very easily. Not a bad start for two days in!

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