Saturday, August 22, 2009

Baby (Food) Making Machine

This past week, I decided that we were now at the point where (a) Briony had sampled a bunch of different fruits and veggies already, (b) Briony could handle some texture in her food, and (c) Briony was starting to eat a good portion of a jar's worth of baby food. It was pretty much the perfect storm. And so I decided to try making some baby food for her.

I first did what any modern mother would do, and I googled it. I read up on the how-to's (and I'd already memorized the lists of things to avoid giving your baby in the first year or two). And then I went to Superstore, picked up some ice cube trays and some organic produce, and went to work.

HOLY COW is it ever easy to make baby food. And I'll admit that I'm just dorky enough that I actually think it's fun. Other than the odd day where it's just too tricky to figure out (our travel days to and from Vancouver come to mind), this is what we're doing now. I fully acknowledge that there's a place inside me that somehow connects my feelings of inadequacy surrounding our lack of breastfeeding success with my feelings of awesomeness for being able to feed her food that I made now. But whatever. I've decided it's healthy and okay.

And Briony freaking LOVES it, which is maybe the best part of all :)

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At August 22, 2009 7:03 PM, Blogger Jobina said...

And then when you want to take it to the next level, you can go to A Child's Place and pick up a table food grinder. It's small and right at the table you can very quickly make baby food out of whatever you and Geoff are eating! I loved it with my kids, especially Riker who didn't sprout a tooth until he was 13 months!

At August 23, 2009 10:13 PM, Blogger ka said...

Welcome to the club. Except I did it cuz I'm cheap. BOUGHT baby food is the biggest rip-ff there is(okay, *slight* exaggeration, but still). I kept all my store bought baby food jars (remember me, the geek who cans?) and I think I had 10 in total. TOTAL!

Remind me next week and I can bring you my grinder thing that I had. I usually made big batches in the blender, but when we were travelling or just doing a meal here or there it was awesome. Probably similar to what Jobina was referring to.

At August 24, 2009 9:48 AM, Blogger Lindsay said...

Sounds great!

(Um, how are moms supposed to know that all this stuff exists?)

At August 25, 2009 4:24 PM, Anonymous Erin said...

I loved making baby food! I enjoyed knowing what I was feeding my girls and the fact that it really was more economical! :) Good for you.


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