Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Reasons to Smile

I've made it to Tuesday at 4 pm in a ridiculous amount of pain and waddling (slowly) like a duck. That means I have less than 24 hours to wait until I can see my GP, and just over a week to go to see my specialist. I've made it a whole week in this shape already. I can do this.

I coloured my hair this weekend, and it turned out *exactly* the colour I wanted it to. I love when that happens.

There's an email sitting in my inbox from a very special friend, who prayed for me via email the other day. I can't stop opening it and rereading it. I can't tell you how much it meant. It was like this huge, spectacular hug - the kind that almost takes your breath away (the kind that would make me cry right now, because most of my pain seems to have settled in my back).

11 days until we celebrate Em's birthday at the Michael Buble concert.

The Boy is off all week, which means that he is able to drive me to work and pick me up at the end of the day. It may not sound like much, but it's HUGE. My parking spot is almost four blocks from my office, and on top of taking me forever to walk that far, the last thing I need is to slip on the ice and fall. Plus, I'm too tired by the end of the day to possibly consider driving myself home. His willingness to get out of bed early and plan his whole day around my work schedule literally means that I'm able to work this week - which is doing a lot to help me feel normal. Plus he's been doing lots around the house, making dinner, picking up groceries, and just kind of generally being amazing. Lucky girl, I know. I don't even care if I'm bragging.

It's been incredibly nice outside all week. Cheers to above-zero temperatures in Winnipeg in January!

Now officially words, according to the dictionary police: muffin top, ginormous, smack-down, celebutante, McMansion, and man flu (definition: the male tendency to exaggerate the effects of a cold). Man, do I want that job.

The Boy is taking me on a movie date this evening, and we deliberately picked the funniest movie showing right now. I am seriously looking forward to laughing at someone else's problems.

My new day planner is pretty much the funniest thing EVER. It makes me giggle every single time I page through it. Geoff and I found this year's Benrik 'This Diary Will Change Your Life' planner at the Athens airport, of all places. We intended on giving to my brother, but then (a) we spent waaaay too much on him on our trip, and (b) Lindsay liked it waaaay too much and wouldn't give it up. And so, too bad for him and awesome for me. (Sorry, Aaron! Kind of. Okay, not really at all.)

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At January 08, 2008 10:19 PM, Blogger gloria said...

glad you are still finding reasons to smile. sorry you are still feeling so low. kudos to your email praying friend, wish I had thought of that.

At January 09, 2008 1:00 AM, Blogger Lindsay said...


On a related happy note, we went to see 'Juno' - and I giggled through most of it. It was soooo good!

At January 09, 2008 8:23 AM, Blogger gloria said...

figured 'Juno' was the one you were going to see... i wanna see it too

At January 09, 2008 9:34 AM, Blogger Lindsay said...

Highly recommended. As long as you think that awkward, funny indie characters are totally okay to drop into a pretty traditional movie. And I do :)

At January 10, 2008 9:36 AM, Blogger Crystal said...

I really want to see that movie too. And I would REALLY like to see your planner. I have a day book fetish.


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