Friday, March 30, 2007

Pay it Forward

I love a good theory. I especially love the stupid, farfetched ones with absolutely no basis in reality (just ask Christine about the time I was absolutely convinced that someone was pregnant who totally wasn't).

This one falls somewhere in between.

Now, we have all had to suffer through my whining and bitching about not winning anything at Tim Horton's. Well, I have an update: I've won twice now (a donut and a coffee). But here's the thing. Both times, I won off coffees that I did not purchase myself. Once was from the coffee Rocky got me with his own free coffee win (that came from a coffee someone had given him). And once was from the coffee Chuck and Orville brought back to the office for me.

So my new theory is that the Tim Horton's cups are all-knowing and all-powerful, and they want to spur on social change and teach us all to share and be generous.

I think we should experiment. Half of you be very nice and giving to the people around you. Half of you be evil and mean and selfish. We'll see who wins the hybrid cars and flatscreens.

And while you're doing that, I shall sit back and observe the beautiful chaos I have created :)

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At March 30, 2007 6:54 PM, Blogger Erin said...

too funny :) i wish i drank coffee just to participate in the chaos. (do they give you roll up the rim cups with hot chocolate?)

At March 31, 2007 12:07 AM, Blogger ka said...

No one buys me coffee. So I've never won off a given coffee (being the boss isn't all glamour, let me tell ya!).

And no one's ever won off a coffee I've bought them. At least, not that they told me.

But I have a theory. The only winners are size large. What with my week of getting up for the morning show at freaking 4 am, I've been drinking XL coffees all week. Nada.

What says you to that, Ms. Linds?

At April 01, 2007 1:50 AM, Blogger Lindsay said...

Yes, they're on the hot chocolate rims as well :)

And I absolutely agree that Large cups seem to score more often (insert giggle).

In other news... Geoff has reported that one of his friends - lets call her Coworker #1 - decided to do a good deed and buy coffee for Coworker #2. Coworker #2 won, and offered the winning rim to Coworker #1, who declined. Later that day, Coworker #1 rolled up another coffee rim - and won a prize herself.

I think I'm on to something here...


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