Thursday, April 30, 2009

The One Where Briony Wears Her Adventure Hat

Briony's new pink sunhat has been dubbed her 'adventure hat' because when she has it on, it pretty much means that we're heading out somewhere - and everything outside is still a total adventure for our little winter baby.

Today, she donned her sunhat to join Geoff and I on a hike around a lake forty-five minutes northwest of Abbotsford. Geoff and I had been there before, and we remembered a very flat and easy hiking trail... About halfway through, we realized that 'flat and easy' didn't necessarily mean 'stroller friendly' but we made it work. I guess we'll know for next time :)

It's been nice to visit here at this pace, knowing that we have a whole month to play with (and having just been here for a ten-day visit in February). Our days are pretty relaxed and the biggest thing on our agenda is usually a walk or a small daytrip. We need to be here at the house for breakfast and dinner to take care of Geoff's dad, and that probably helps to keep our plans on the small side.

This time has been so very good for my heart. I received some news from home today that was kind of hard for me to swallow - the kind of news that you knew was coming, you thought you were totally at peace with, and yet you still had hurt feelings about it when it happened. I questioned why I found out about this now, in the middle of our vacation, but I'm realizing that the timing was perfect. I'm in a place here where I could give it this small space it needed in my day to be able to work through my hurt and disappointment, and where I could pack up those feelings and move on with my life. There's such a clarity that comes from making time to slow down.


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