Wednesday, January 18, 2006


The sun finally shone again in Manitoba recently. And it contributed to one of those truly great, unplanned moments that just make a person feel completely content.

The other morning, I left the house early and got some client research on marketing law done in my favourite little café close to the office. I walked to work slowly because my arthritis has been wicked this week, but for the first time this flare-up, I didn't mind. It was actually kind of nice to just take my time and absorb what was going on around me. It was snowing those giant, fluffy, perfect snowflakes and the sun was shining. My frustration over being sick (and over being 'outed' yesterday - my coworkers didn't have any clue that I wasn't normal and healthy until I shuffled/waddled into work on Monday morning) - for one moment - didn't matter.

And that was my weekly Emily Dickinson moment.

Until a couple of military guys walked by outside my window. HOT military guys. Forget that whole other paragraph. THIS is my new happy moment for today :D



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