Sunday, January 01, 2006

Top Ten

Lindsay's Personal Top Ten Events of 2005 (in no particular order):

1. Completing the half-marathon in Lausanne, Switzerland (October). So what if I was the last person out of 17,000 to cross the finish line? I'm damn proud of what I acconmplished. And the experience was not only a highlight of 2005, I'm sure it will end up being one of the highlights of my entire life. (Check out if you're interested in all the gory details).

2. An almost spontaneous, almost day-long visit to Vancouver in May. Crazy? Yes. Responsible? No. One of the best things I've ever done for myself? Absolutely. And I gained a really special friend when I was there.

3. May 1 Benefit Concert for my Joints in Motion project. It was beyond special to have Mandy and Mel sing at a Benefit Concert for me, and I was amazed by the number of people who volunteered to help out, the sponsors who came out of the woodwork, and the amount of money we raised that night.

4. Moving to the ghetto in August with my roomie, Emily. Oh yes, St. Vital has a ghetto. If nothing else, it's toughened me up and made me less superficial. And Kris has been more than willing to submit an ever-evolving list of ghetto nicknames for me to help me fit in. Gee, thanks.

5. This summer, my dad taught me how to fire a gun - spawning a totally fresh way for me to annoy him by talking prissy about something manly. Ever since, I have referred to 'shooting' as 'bulleting things' and I can see him cringe every time I say it... :D

6. I lost my job in September, and I spent the next couple of months working from home, running my own freelance business. It was a dream to do that, and it provided me with time and energy to get my health back under control.

7. Christmas Carol Breakfast (December). I was asked to speak at this Arthritis Society fundraiser, and it was an amazing experience to be able to share my story in that setting - and with so many friends in the audience. The standing ovation didn't hurt either.

8. Living next door to Anica and Sophie this summer. There aren't many things a pair of three- and five-year-old girls can't fix. I had so much fun playing - and finding little sticker-bedazzled notes in my mailbox almost daily. Kind of puts everything else into perspective.

9. Special K Vanilla Almond. The greatest single innovation since electricity (after all, a girl needs her hair straightener). Yummy.

10. As of the end of October, being chemical-free - for the first time in over a decade. I'm managing my arthritis through diet, exercise, and natural supplements. So far, so good...


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